Student Workshop

Open conversation with “Old Crocs

When: Thursday 13th from 12:30 to 13:15
Where: Room D (aka 228)
Goal: students converse with “big fish” in EC, maybe even start collaborations

What is it?

Are you ready for an exciting and informal opportunity to learn from some of the biggest names in the field of Evolutionary Computation? Join us on Thursday, April 13th, at 12:30 for our student workshop session, where you’ll have the chance to engage with some of the most respected experts in the field.

Our student workshop is designed to be a fun, informal setting where you can speak with some of the recipients of the EvoStar Award for Outstanding Contribution to Evolutionary Computation in Europe (aka “old crocs“), including Sara Silva, Leonardo Vanneschi, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Anikó Ekárt, Gabriela Ochoa, and Penousal Machado. These researchers are eager to share their insights and experience with the next generation of researchers, and to provide you with valuable tips and advice on how to succeed in the field.

During the session, the crocs will be divided into different areas of the room, giving you the opportunity to select which expert to speak with and ask them questions. This is a great chance for you to get feedback on your work, start new collaborations, and gain valuable insights into the field of Evolutionary Computation.

We know that engaging with experts in the field can be overwhelming, which is why we’re providing you with the opportunity to learn from the experiences of our old crocs. Did you ever wonder if these experts also had struggles during their student years? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Our crocs are here to share their own experiences and give you tips on how to engage with other experts in the field.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!!

Our names & and areas:

  • Wolfgang Banzhaf – GP & EML
  • Anikó Ekárt- GP & art applications
  • Gabriela Ochoa – multiobjective & combinatorial optimization
  • Penousal Machado – EML, GP and art-related applications
  • Leonardo Vanneschi – GP theory and weird variants
  • Sara Silva – GP, EML and weird variants


  • 10 minutes: brief introductions
  • 5 minutes: pick up one or more cards, fill them in with your name and (if you want) areas of interest and hand them to the croc(s) of your choice:
    • Wolfgang: dark green
    • Anikó: red
    • Gabriela: blue
    • Penousal: orange
    • Leonardo: light green
    • Sara: yellow
  • 30 minutes: split into groups. Start the conversation!