EvoCOP Accepted Papers

Long Talks

  • Jonathan Rowe A Theoretical Investigation Of Termination Criteria For Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Nguyen Dang Viet Anh, Aldy Gunawan, Mustafa Misir and Pieter Vansteenwegen Q-learning Based Framework for Solving the Stochastic E-waste Collection Problem
  • Marc Kaufmann, Maxime Larcher, Johannes Lengler and Oliver Sieberling Hardest Monotone Functions for Evolutionary Algorithms
  • Olivier Goudet, Mohamed Salim Amri Sakhri, Adrien Goëffon and Frédéric Saubion Emergence of new local search algorithms with neuro-evolution
  • Simon Anderer, Bernd Scheuermann and Sanaz Mostaghim Studies on Multi-objective Role Mining in ERP Systems
  • Satya Tamby, Laurent Gourves and Stefano Moretti Greedy heuristic guided by lexicographic excellence
  • Jaume Reixach, Christian Blum, Marko Djukanovic and Günther R. Raidl A Neural Network Based Guidance for a BRKGA: An Application to the Longest Common Square Subsequence Problem
  • Cyril Grelier, Olivier Goudet and Jin-Kao Hao A memetic algorithm with adaptive operator selection for graph coloring
  • Darrell Whitey, Gabriela Ochoa and Francisco Chicano Reduction-Based MAX-3SAT with Low Nonlinearity and Lattices Under Recombination
  • Sébastien Verel, Sarah Thomson and Omar Rifki Where the Really Hard Quadratic Assignment Problems Are: the QAP-SAT instances
  • Valentin Vendi, Sébastien Verel and Cyril Fonlupt Sparse Surrogate Model for Optimization: Example of the Bus Stops Spacing Problem
  • Thomas Jansen and Christine Zarges Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Local Search Optimising OBDD Variable Orderings