The 27th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EuroGP) 2024 conference will take place as part of EvoStar (Evo*).

EuroGP is the premier annual conference on Genetic Programming (GP), the oldest and the only meeting worldwide devoted specifically to this branch of evolutionary computation. It is always a high-quality, enjoyable, friendly event, attracting participants from all continents, and offering excellent opportunities for networking, informal contact, and exchange of ideas with fellow researchers. It will feature a mixture of oral presentations and poster sessions and invited keynote speakers. EuroGP is featured in the conference ranking database CORE.

You can consult the proceedings of previous events at EuroGP Conference Proceedings in SpringerLink

A comprehensive bibliography of genetic programming literature and links to related material is accessible at the Genetic Programming Bibliography web page, part of the Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies maintained and managed by William Langdon, Steven Gustafson, and John Koza.

Download the CFP in PDF here.

NEW: The proceedings of EuroGP 2024 is available on this link.

Conference Chairs

  • Mario Giacobini
    University of Torino, Italy
  • Bing Xue
    Victoria University of Wellington, New Zeland

Publication Chair

  • Luca Manzoni
    Università degli studi di Trieste, Italy

Areas of Interest and Contributions

Topics to be covered include, but is not limited to:

  • Algorithms, representations, and operators for GP
  • Innovative applications of GP
  • Tree-based, linear, graph-based, and grammar-based GP
  • Theoretical developments
  • GP performance, behavior, and benchmarking
  • Multiple populations, coevolution, and modularity in GP
  • Multi-objective GP
  • Explainability and interpretability in GP
  • Genetic improvement programming
  • GP for software engineering
  • GP for continuous control and evolutionary robotics
  • Evolutionary design
  • Evolvable hardware
  • Parallel GP
  • Unconventional GP
  • Hybridization of GP with other methods

Submission Details

Submission closed.

Programme Committee

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Michigan State University
Heder Bernardino, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Stefano Cagnoni, University of Parma
Mauro Castelli, ISEGI,Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Qi Chen, Victoria University of Wellington
Ernesto Costa, University of Coimbra
Antonio Della Cioppa, Natural Computation Lab, DIEM, University of Salerno
A. Sima Etaner-Uyar, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University
Steven Gustafson, Noonum, Inc.
Jin-Kao Hao, University of Angers, France
Malcolm Heywood, Dalhousie University
Ting Hu, Queen’s University
Domagoj Jakobovic, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Ahmed Kattan, UQU
Krzysztof Krawiec, Poznan University of Technology
William B Langdon, University College London
Andrew Lensen, Victoria University of Wellington
Nuno Lourenço, University of Coimbra, CISUC, DEI, LASI
Evelyne Lutton, INRAE
Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, CISUC, DEI and LASI
Luca Manzoni, University of Trieste
James McDermott, University of Galway
Eric Medvet, University of Trieste
Alberto Moraglio, University of Birmingham
Gisele Pappa, UFMG
Stjepan Picek, Radboud University
Peter Rockett, The University of Sheffield
Lukas Sekanina, Brno University of Technology
Sara Silva, Universidade de Lisboa
Moshe Sipper, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Lee Spector, Hampshire College
Ernesto Tarantino, ICAR-CNR
Andrea Tettamanzi, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis
Marco Tomassini, University of Lausanne
Leonardo Vanneschi, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Zdenek Vasicek, Brno University of Technology
Man Leung Wong, Lingnan University
Mengjie Zhang, Victoria University of Wellington