
Please ensure that submissions are directed to the relevant track. The corresponding contact editors for copyright forms are listed below.

EuroGP Ting Hu
EvoCOP Christian Blum
EvoMUSART Adrian Carballal
EvoBIO Mario Giacobini
EvoApplications Anna I Esparcia-Alcázar


Papers which are not formatted according to those guidelines, or do not respect the page limit, risk being not included in the proceedings.

You have to submit your final camera-ready paper NO LATER than

15 January 2013

through the submission system at

using your id and password

Springer reprocesses all the contributions, meaning that you have to provide all source files and figures.

You should prepare a single tgz or zip-file containing a single directory with all of the necessary files (and all the necessary .sty files).

The name of the directory should be the last name of the first

The directory has to contain:

- Latex .tex file (named with the last name of the first author).

- Latex .bbl file, if references are in a separate file (named with the last name of the first author).

- All figures (.ps or .eps).

- Final .dvi file (named with the last name of the first author).

- Final .ps file (named with the last name of the first author).

- Final .pdf file (named with the last name of the first author).

- .rtf file if another word processing program other than Latex was used (named with the last name of the first author).

- authors.txt : This file should have one line for each author of the paper using the following format:

<first names of first author> <last name of first author> <email>
<first names of second author> <last name of second author> <email>
Please mark the contact author with * at the end of the line.
Example of a paper authored by Mario Rossi and Jos'e Salgado:
Mario Rossi mario.rossi@myuni.xy
Jos'e Salgado jsagado@hisuni.yx*

Springer will email the contact author with the final version of the paper for proofreading sometime in February. The email will come from India and will contain the paper as an attachment.

- abstract.txt : This file should have the following structure:

first line: title of the paper
second line: blank
remaining lines: abstract of the paper (in ASCII without line breaks).

- Scanned signed copyright form as PDF using the following filename:

(one author may sign on behalf of all authors of a paper).
Please note that the title of the conference should be entered as either:
  • EuroGP 2013, EvoCOP 2013 EvoMUSART 2013, EvoBIO 2013 or EvoApplications 2013

Before 15 January 2013, you also have to send an E-mail to with the title:

"EvoStar13 attendance confirmation"
which includes the following information:
1. Name of (co)author who will attend EvoStar2013 ________
2.. If attendee is a student, their advisor ___________ has been cc-ed into this mail
3. If a VISA is required for the attendee, the application process has started: Not-required / Yes / No.

In case you are unable to provide a scanned signed copyright form, please fax it before 15 January 2013 to + 44 (0) 870 836 2345 (for the attention of Mrs Jennifer Willies).

When preparing your camera-ready, please make sure that you:

-- Omit all headers (no page numbers, no running title, no running
authors) but specify them in the .tex source, because Springer will
activate them in reformatting the proceedings. For Word users, add the
specifications without activating headers.
-- List all references in first authors' alphabetical order (for LaTeX users,
use the right .bst style sheet). Also, in case you cite more than one
paper in the same reference, make sure they appear in the text numbered in
ascending order (for example, do not order them in time).

Authors not following the instructions may result in the paper not being included in the proceedings.

The copyright form is available from:

In summary, you have to do each of the following 5 tasks no later than 15 January 2013


The EvoStar Web site ( will provide necessary
information for conference registration and hotel accommodation.

Thank you for contributing to Evo* 2013.

See you in Vienna!