Evostar 2017

The Leading European Event on Bio-Inspired Computation. Amsterdam. 19-21 April 2017.

Call for papers:


Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computational Techniques within Real-World Industrial and Commercial Environments.

Important notice

Due to a large number of request for late submissions, the EvoStar submission sites will stay open until this Tuesday 15 November 23:59:59 SST, after which no further submissions will be accepted. Authors who have already submitted, can update their work until this time.

The recipients of the "EvoAPPLICATIONS Best Paper Awards" will be invited to submit an extended version of their works to a special issue of Memetic Computing.

Evolutionary and Bio-Inspired Computation has established itself as a powerful technique for design, search and optimisation with applications in areas such as routing, scheduling, timetabling and planning. There are a number of challenges in moving from academic research to use within industrial environments, these challenges are not only technical, but may also encompass issues such as user interaction and adoption within organisations. EvoIndustry seeks contributions from researchers, developers and industrialists who have utilised Evolutionary Computation within an industrial context. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Case studies on the adoption of Evolutionary Computation within organisations, examining hard and soft issues
  • Hybrid methods and novel heuristics developed to solve specific problems
  • The handling of real-world soft constraints
  • The construction of user interfaces to allow non-experts to use evolutionary based techniques
  • Organisation, resource and workforce scheduling
  • Scheduling and planning in industrial environments including production planning, transportation and distribution


  • Neil Urquhart, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, n.urquhart(at)napier.ac.uk
  • Kevin Sim, Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom, k.sim@napier.ac.uk

Important dates:

Submission Deadline: 1 November 2016
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 15 November 2016
(site remains open for final changes until 21 Nov)
Notification: 9 January 2017
Camera-ready: 25 January 2017
Mandatory registration per paper: 1 February 2017
Student bursary deadline: 20 February 2017
Early registration discount: 1 March 2017
Registration deadline: 10 April 2017
EvoStar dates: 19-21 April 2017
